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Monday, September 7, 2009

Yum, yum, yum...Prudy takes the cake

With very little self-control, I salivate as I scroll through these beautiful, appetizing recipes and wanna-reach-out-and-grab-it images. Prudence Pennywise is the first food blog I became addicted to - thanks to my friend Dori's post about Prudy on her blog (which will soon be featured pending her approval). If you can make it past the first page without experiencing hunger pains, consider yourself super human.

Grab YOUR button straight from Prudy herself. Oh, did I mention she's beautiful, skinny, has a super cute home and the cutest family you've ever seen? And man, can she cook, bake, grill, photograph, garnish, present, you name it.

Prudence Pennywise

What I love about Prudy is her ability to take a recipe that calls for pounds of butter and make it healthy. She is the queen of fat and calorie reduction AND makes sure you're saving pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. As a (non) talented cook devoted to substituting healthier alternatives for ingredients, I aspire to cook at least one of her recipes each week. This week will be the Secret to Perfectly Grilled Pork Chops since all the ingredients are sitting in my fridge. It's like they were just waiting to be put together by Prudy herself. I'll try, little pork chops and peaches, I'll try.

all images copyright of Prudence Pennywise

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